Thursday 10 January 2013

FMP - Collaboration with Joe

I've worked alongside Joe since 1st year and have always admired his work, likewise has he always commented on my work, but being illustration driven and joe solely type and layout we never thought to collaborate. After seeing an ISTD I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to work together, using my images alongside his type and layout. 

The Brief : Food for thought

'Investigate food. We want you to take a new view rather than, say, an exploration of the mass of terms associated with food. Could the chemistry of food, the olfactory and somatic associations with food or dietary choice offer sources for informing and educating? Or should we consider the plight of those who don’t have the choice of what to eat? Anything goes, but express a viewpoint – inform us. Use whatever methods and media you consider appropriate to convey your solution effectively – as long as you express a solid idea, inform us and show us your typographic skills. Make sure that you incorporate typographically detailed text matter that expresses an information hierarchy. Remember that words and language are our collateral and that your submission should be essentially typographic.'

In Summary:

Investigate food.
Choose a theme / concept

After a brief chat we came up with a rather exciting way to approach the brief. We have decided to re-write and manipulate it, as it wants a typographic design, we want to be able to utilise my illustrative skills.

We want to investigate food through the format of a publication, looking at which certain types of food work together, the ingredients and science behind it. The brief will be heavily research driven, looking at the science of food and dishes, providing information about particular items, another section will hold content looking at food dishes and recommendations, the entire publication will be supported by illustrations and paper craft.

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