Monday 14 January 2013

Brief 1 - Interactive Book

I began to think I could push the idea of a simple publication for the 10 things brief. Children have a short attention span, so I need to consider this in my design development stages. I need to start researching more about my target audience and develop a concept from there, rather than starting on a product. So I started looking at an array of different approach I could take which would link to interactivity. The below, a re-take of the book design for James and the Giant Peach. The designer has included an in leaf pocket, which holds further education devices taking the form of scientific drawings of the insects within the story. It takes another platform, including the content of its subject matter, into the design stages. I really like the idea of doing something like this generally - for briefs to become research dependant, to reveal something else I could do and push.


The next source I found interesting due to its design elements rather than its conceptual and content. Combining illustration and info graphics, to become a publication advertisement is a really appropriate way I could connect with my secondary target audience of parents. Using a product such as a magazine or Newspaper is far more appropriate and likely to be seem, than simply the books standing as themselves. Thinking beyond the initial target audience, as to who I really need to aim the product at is an important element I should think about for every brief, ideally. I need to know who exactly to target.


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