Monday 21 January 2013

FMP - Brief 1 - Education for children living in deprivation

Looking at the importance of a parents role within their child's education, and how this should affect my decision making and concept development of the products I decided to produce.

Source: Extracts from 'The Early Years Foundation Stage', 'Policy context in England and the implementation of the early years foundation stage' Palaiologou, I, Sage, 2010

Looking at 0-5 Year old Children

This article is surrounding the topic of the importance of a stake holders role (Parents, teachers, carers, school government etc) in a child education. 'It is recognised 'that a child's experience in the Early Years has a major impact on their future life chances.' It was also noted that Parents of children are the centre of a child's education at this age, helping them to understand and support their educational needs.

'Pre-school education was seen as a key aspect of helping children to the break the 'cycle of deprivation'.'Input at home will help any child whether deprived or not, which will be aided by the products I intend to design.

An idea I've had would be aiming the product pack I intend to design at the deprived. To be given free by social services, children in care, or Surestart to those who live in deprived areas.

Sure Start : A new start
'Sure Start was designed to be a 10 years programme for children under 4 and families living in deprived and disadvantaged conditions.' Sure Start is partly a children's centre; somewhere for children to go with parents, for behavioural needs, those in care to interact and improve skills.

In Summary:

A parents role is an important element to their childs education, in bringing education to their home. More so for children in deprived areas, who may need the extra aid. I could potentially aim my education at home pack for the deprived, through a range of distribution sources such as social services, the council or sure start.

Source: DFE 2008, Practise guidance for the Early Years Foundation Stage
The Principles of EYFS

When teachers lesson plan, they must refer to the principles of EYFS, and follow them. I will consider following these when designing my range of products.

'A children's plan - EYFS is a principled approach to young children's care and education. There are four key principles...'

'A Unique child - Every child is a competent learner from birth who can be resilient, capable, confident and self -assured.'

'Positive Relationships - children learn to be strong and independent from a base of loving and secure relationships with parents and / or a reason.'

'Learning and Development - Children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates and all areas of learning and development are equally important and inter-connected.'

'Enabling Environments - The environment plays a key role in supporting and extending chidlrens development and learning.'

I will provide resources to aid early learning goals that all children must reach by 5 according to the statutory of framework. A legal document practitioners have to follow.

I will be focusing on the Personal, Social and Emotional Development area of Learning, the aspects include:

Making relationships
Self confidence and self awareness
Managing feelings and behaviour

Although focusing on this prime area, some products will have aspects of other areas of learning such as communication and language, and physical development.


Early Learning Goal of Personal, Social and emotional development, by the age of 5 is:

Children talk about how they and others show feelings, talk about their own and others’ behaviour, and its consequences, and know that some behaviour is unacceptable. They work as part of a group or class, and understand and follow the rules. They adjust their behaviour to different situations, and take changes of routine in their stride.

In Summary

Through focusing on this prime area of learning and development I will be providing something that enables children to manage their feelings and behaviour. I will aim to produce products which will aid the principles of EYFS, looking at each aspect to help me make decision decisions. I will also be focusing on the learning aspects of the Personal, social and emotional development area of learning, which too will aid my decision making.

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