Sunday 10 March 2013

FMP - Brief 1 - Divorce

About effects of divorce on child
How product will help


or children, divorce can be stressful, sad, and confusing. At any age, kids may feel uncertain or angry at the prospect of mom and dad splitting up. As a parent, you can make the process and its effects less painful for your children. Helping your kids cope with divorce means providing stability in your home and attending to your children's needs with a reassuring, positive attitude. It won't be a seamless process, but these tips can help your children cope.

The comfort of routines

The benefit of schedules and organization for younger children is widely recognized, but many people don’t realize that older children appreciate routine, as well. Kids feel safer and more secure when they know what to expect next. Knowing that, even when they switch homes, dinnertime is followed by a bath and then homework, for example, can set a child’s mind at ease.
Maintaining routine also means continuing to observe rules, rewards, and discipline with your children. Resist the temptation to spoil kids during a divorce by not enforcing limits or allowing them to break rules.

Packaging Content:
The benefit of schedules and organisation for a child with separated parents is important, a child will appreciate routine. This in effect will save a childs distress and emotional discomfort. This product allows the visual organisation of when a child will visit which parent. It will allow the child to visually see, which home, and when they will be visiting. They will also have control over what items they choose to take along with them, by picking and choosing items to put in their 'Overnight Bag'.

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