Ah appreciate
yee mare than santa appreciates chimney grease
When ah gra
up, ah want tuh be just leek yee
Yoor voice is
mare syeuthin than morgan freeman's
I think abyeut
yee while ahm on the netty
You lyeuk see
You're mare
fun than bubble wrap
You myek wor
feel leek ah am on top iv the warld
You are a
bucket iv awesome
Even me cat
likes yee
I hin yee mare
than a mortal college student loves tacos
Aareet, sonsy
me withyeut yee is leek a nerd withyeut galluses, a shoe wi' yeut laces,
asentencewithoutspaces You are the gravy tuh me mashed ta'is
Let's dee this
agyen sometime
You cud gan
longor withyeut a showor than most people I’m glad wuh met
Is it hot in
heor or is it just yee?
I usually
divvint sa this on a forst date, but will yee marry wer
I divvint
speak mich geordie, but wi' yee aaal ah deed nee't tuh sa is bonny
The anny
difference inatween exceptional an' amazin is yee
I divenee
wouldn't kick yee yeut iv cot
Wye aye, i'd
leek tuh knar why yas see bonny
Gud morning
Gud affer
Gud evening
Ha are yee?
Whats up?
Hows it ganin?
Ha are things?
Ha yee
Yor birth
certificate is an apology from the condom factory
Shut up,
you'll nivvor be the blurk yor ma is
You must hev
been born on a highwa cuz that's wheor most accidents happen
You're see
mingin' aareet kitty said tara hinney tuh yee. I nivvor forget a face, but in
yor case i'll myek an exception.
I lyeuk intee
yor eyes an' git the feelin we's else is drivin.
A guess when
yee weor born, the doctor slapped yor da? I don’t exactly hate yee, but if yee
weor on fire an' aa'd wator, i’d drink it.
I’d leek tuh
see things from yor point iv view but ah can’t seem tuh git me heed that far up
me arse.
Cum agyen when
yee can’t canny sta see long
You gaak at
frozen juice gan cos the' sa ‘concentrate’
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